Annual Columbia Center for Injury Science and Prevention Symposium

Innovations in Translating Injury Research into Effective Prevention

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Welcome Address - Dr. Guohua Li

Keynote Presentation



Introduction of Keynote Speaker - Barbara Barlow, MD

“Reducing Suicide: The Means Matter Campaign” - Dave Hemenway, PhD

Jess Krauss Award Presentation - Guohua Li, MD, DrPH


 - Break 11:05am -

Lightning Round 1 - Injury Prevention Initiatives



Moderator: Joyce Pressley

Public health approaches to violence prevention/intervention  - Catherine Stayton

Substance abuse, mental health and firearm violence: evidence to action - Katherine Keyes

Fall prevention with implementation science - Thelma Mielenz

Child endangerment in MV transport associated with drugs and alcohol - Joyce Pressley

Lunch with Roundtable and Networking



DOH NVDRS update and violence prevention initiatives  - Kitty Gelberg

Falls prevention in older adults - Thelma Mielenz

Prescription drugs, opioids and heroin - Guohua Li

Trauma center initiatives and updates - Pina Violano

Open Topics - Attendee led

Keynote Presentation



Introduction of Keynote Speaker - Joyce Pressley, PhD

“Treasure Maps: Using Economic Evidence to Pinpoint Prized Prevention Investments - Ted Miller, PhD

Lightning Round 2 - Injury Prevention Initiatives



Moderator: Joyce Pressley

Prescription drug overdose initiatives  - Ellenie Tuazon

Using Google Street View to assess environmental contributions to pedestrian injury - Stephen Mooney

Balance, walking ability, falls and related injury in community-dwellers with lower limb loss - Kevin Wong

Do we know anything about injury? Data shortcomings - Peter Muennig

Studying repetitive TBI in a culture dish - Barclay Morrison III

Q & A and Wrap-Up
